
Is Occupy Wall Street Anti-Semitic?

Buck11/09/2011 1:36:58 pm PST

re: #61 000G

Answer: [Link:…]

Ya, the answer is very interesting:

Does OWS have a problem with antisemitism? Probably yes but it’s unlikely to become central to the movement unless Israel attacks Iran, goes into Gaza again, or the US starts another war that the lefties can blame on Israel. Does that video have a point? No, not really.

So as long as Israel does not defend itself (I am sure no one is suggesting that Israel would attack Iran or Gaza if it wasn’t self defence), then the problem with anti semitism that OWS has, is unlikely to be central to the movement.

Kilgore…. THAT DESCRIBES THE POINT. It doesn’t have to be central to the movement to be alarming to Jews. That it is there, and percolating to the surface is alarming. That it is there and people are excusing it, and ignoring it is alarming. That is the point.