
The Bob & Chez Show: Caleefonya

Ace Rothstein6/08/2016 7:11:01 pm PDT

My poor mother married a wingnut last June and now she’s been brainwashed. She posted an opinion on Facebook the other day and I stopped reading it when the “liberal media” was mentioned.

The wingnut she married, about three years ago in a restaurant on Christmas day he could not stop telling anyone that would listen that he sold his house just in time before New Year’s so he wouldn’t have to pay the “Obamacare Real Estate Tax.” I muttered to myself “Bullshit” and googled it immediately on my phone. Turns out only like .01% of people qualified for it (we’re talking about the uber wealthy here), and the tax had already been in place since….January 1…of the same year.

The mind of the wingnut is a scary place.