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OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin1/03/2012 7:59:27 am PST

re: #614 Simply Sarah

See, I could never call myself pro-abortion because, well, I’m not. I want other women to be able to have the choice and option to have an abortion. But to call myself pro-abortion would seem to imply I’d be actively pushing for them to have them, which is most certainly not the case. That’s at least just as pushy and controlling as some of the pro-life nonsense.


If I said I’m pro-“you better have an abortion or else”, you might have a point, but I didn’t.

Saying I’m “pro-abortion” is like saying I’m “pro-blood transfusion”. If you need one, you should have access to one and no other person with personal hangups about it should be able to stop you.