
Presidential Debate 2012, Round One, the Wrap-Up

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)10/04/2012 5:37:12 am PDT

Heh. I was wondering which way my one friend in northern NJ was going to jump in the election. He’s an independent with libertarian leanings, but enough sense of social justice that I thought the GOP would frighten him.

I think his concentration on local politics pushed him towards his final decision. Instead of straight-ticket Democrat or GOP he is simply going to do straight-ticket anti-incumbent. Which, to me, is roughly as principled as straight-ticket anything, and also about as stupid. He is settling for making a protest vote, not anything informed by the candidates and issues.

Since he got the idea from some guy on the radio I think I’ll dig a little bit and see what this guy (Jim Gearhart) generally espouses. I have my expectations.