
Columbia Journalism School Review Finds "Major Failures" in Rolling Stone's UVA Rape Story

Nyet4/06/2015 12:25:10 pm PDT

re: #618 GunstarGreen

There’s no need to “worry” that this incident might “spread the idea that some women invent false rape allegations” because, simply put, some do.

This isn’t an “all or nothing” thing. It happens, it is known fact that it does happen, and it has incredibly serious consequences for the victims — the real victims — when it does.

Being concerned about those victims, and what false allegations do to them and their lives, is perfectly legitimate. It also does not necessitate any sort of strawman belief that all rape stories are false. But after Duke Lacross, UVA, and a number of other major incidents, a person would have to be mind-bogglingly dishonest to pretend like this isn’t a thing that happens.

I think this comment misses the point completely, while distorting it.

It’s not about whether false rape accusations happen. Of course they do. Cases such as this one remind us that although every rape claim should be taken seriously, they’re but a starting point for an investigation and that one can’t assign blame merely on say-so.

The point about those who “may have spread the idea that many women invent rape allegations” is still valid, because many wingnuts (MRAs like Chuck Johnson) simply assume that most reports are false. This adds fuel to their fire.

Notably, “many” becomes “some” in your rendering. I wonder why that is.