
Gateway Pundit/Progressives Today Blogger Arrested for Pulling Gun at Oregon Protest

Citizen K7/09/2016 10:50:22 am PDT

re: #618 Blind Frog Belly White

When and why did HRC become such a bete noire to some on the Left? What puppy of theirs did she kill? I mean, if you like Obama, what’s not to like about Hillary, who’s almost perfectly aligned with him?

I’m really just not getting this. I’ve even seen some shit about her having been a Goldwater Girl when she was 17 tainting her forever.

I’m not going to lie here. I still have some issues with Hillary. The PUMA stuff in ‘08 left a bitter taste in my mouth, and she’s definitely more hawkish than I’d prefer, both from her senatorial career and her stint as SoS.

But the problem that most people have with her isn’t about actual fucking policy otherwise they’d see she has a lot of net positives she’d still instill, moreso than anyone else in the field. No, their problem with her is the ‘air of corruption’ that surrounds her, the one that conservatives and the media have fought for nigh unto 3 decades to associate with her, regardless of the veracity. They don’t know what she did, they just know she did it and that she was supper utterly corrupt and evil about it and how fucking dare she even exist.