
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

Ziggy9/07/2009 6:23:47 pm PDT

Assuming global warming is real (and based solely on the temperatures this past year where I live, I’m not too worried), doesn’t the fact that this planet has already had a couple of ice ages and a mini one, mean global warming happened a few times already? This leads me to believe that it is naturally cyclical. Of course we should be good stewards of the planet, but I believe people like Al Gore are either complete loons or charlatans (or maybe both). As much as I try and conserve resources, recycle, don’t litter etc., when global warming fanatics get on their high, self righteous horses (thus adding to the green house gas problem with the hot air they’re blowing) they make the contrarian in me want to light a Styrofoam bon fire and leave all my motors idling overnight.