
Thank You, Climate Change Deniers

Mark Pennington12/06/2009 12:29:17 pm PST

Climate change deniers…all they do is project their own philosophy onto scientists. Usually they are Christians, or religious to a monotheistic faith. Science, humanism, environmentalism, etc, is all completely inconceivable to them — they say the human-influence part of climate change is all a hoax because scientists “are only in it for the money” and apparently all those funds that go to alternative energy research is being blown on coke and hookers. *eye roll* All they care about is money, instant gratification, and the latest piece of Chinese sweatshop crap on sale at Wal-Mart, so they assume the same is true of everyone else. Jesus, God, Yahweh, whatever, is going to provide for us, so that we can take a big carbon dump all over the planet and not have to worry about anything.