

lawhawk1/28/2010 9:43:56 am PST

re: #600 Obdicut

You’re getting hearsay and eyewitness testimony mixed up.

From wiki, which makes it easier to show the difference:

For example, a witness says “Susan told me Tom was in town”. Since the witness did not see Tom in town, the statement would be hearsay evidence to the fact that Tom was in town, and not admissible. However, it would be admissible as evidence that Susan said Tom was in town, and on the issue of her knowledge of whether he was in town.

I’m telling you that I saw ACORN engaging in unethical and morally flexible behaviors. That’s not hearsay but actual eyewitness testimony. If I told you that I saw ACORN doing it, and then you went on to say to someone else - “lawhawk told me that ACORN did X” that would be hearsay.

Still, I’m telling you what I saw and why I think those videos are an accurate reflection of ACORN operations, because it’s what I’ve seen of ACORN operations in my experience. Does that extrapolate to all ACORN? Nope. And if anything, I’ve repeatedly argued that so many offices proffered similar kinds of responses that it goes to the hiring and training practices of the NY office (and that’s one of two offices with which I’ve had personal dealings with - the other being Brooklyn).