
Friday Night Acoustic: Tommy Emmanuel, "Drivetime"

Dr Lizardo3/01/2014 11:51:47 am PST

re: #622 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

You are vastly underestimating the Red Army of WWII, and its generals. They did not just win because of Hitler’s incompetence. They were an incredible military on every level.

So it’s not because they might threaten Europe, it’s doing this on its own?

The US, both pre-and-post-WWII has been a bully in similar ways, though. Our support of the corrupt South Vietnamese, for example. The US has, both for good and ill, pushed people around.

Your reasons keep changing, from this domino theory to this psychological way to get Russia to collapse to simply saying we should do it in the circumstances of a nation being a bully.

Edit: And it’s fine that there’s these different reasons, I just want to know if it’s, like, a medley of all of these, or if some are more important, or what.

It’s a medley of these reasons; they all come into play - it’s not just one thing. And you’re right, the US has been a bully in its history, and I find that just as objectionable and loathsome as when any else does it. It bugs me. And I didn’t mean to create the impression that the Soviet Red Army or its generals were lacking in any way, shape, or form. They and the Russians in general bore the brunt of German aggression, and they overcame it magnificently. It was the Red Army that broke the back of the German war machine after all, and they paid one hell of a price in doing so. More than any nation before or since.