
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

Salamantis5/04/2009 4:58:09 pm PDT

re: #617 TheSextons

Bush was fiscally reckless. And he lacked the courage or was too proud to change course in Iraq when it was obvious that the course needed to be changed. His actions, and his horse manure “compassionate conservatism” concoction, are what have brought the GOP to the point that international papers are publishing articles entitled “the incredible shrinking elephant.”

He had two disasters (9-11, Katrina) and two wars to pay for. But you’re right about Iraq; he was too loyal to Rumsfeld, and listened to his counsel too long, when he should have been listening to McCain, and surging much earlier.

The GOP is not losing support because they’ve driven moderates from the “big tent.” The GOP is on the brink of permanent obscurity because they abandoned bedrock conservative values: fiscal responsibility and a limited federal government.

Socon values are not bedrock conservative values; they intrude government into peoples’ private lives and bedrooms as much as the Dems intrude themselves into peoples’ wallets and boardrooms.

I want the government out of all three.