
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

Confuzed1/12/2009 2:05:15 pm PST

re: #463 Render

Leave the US? Because I’m Jewish? I don’t think so.

There are around 13 million of us left. 38% of us are here, in the US. 35% of us are already in Israel.

If we’re not safe here in the US, we’re not going to be any safer in Israel.

We are already standing at Masada, there is no place left to run.

I wasn’t born to run away. I wasn’t raised to turn the other cheek.


Don’t worry, many non-Jews like myself (aka Hamisch) are fighting with you.
I wear an Israeli SDF shirt all the time, in airports, bars, restaurants, etc. I’ve gotten some dirty looks, and I just smile back, often giving a peace sign and a thumbs up, that really confuses their tiny, narrow minds. I have on occasion also unveiled an Israeli flag I carry with me in my “drinking bag.”