
WND Promotes Nirtherism in Iraq

chukardog2/25/2009 9:18:14 am PST

As I understand it the “short form” cert of live birth is not proof of being born in the US. Why are all his records sealed? Even his college records are sealed. Why not release a copy of the actual birth certificate. the Nirthers also contend that the form has been altered and is void. I havent seen the form, so I dont know.

As for the birth notice, that proves nothing. Anyone can place the ad. The Nirthers also contend that there is actual audio of Obama’s Grandmother stating in swalhili that she was present when he was born in Kenya.

Im not jumping on the bandwagon, but the biggest red flag for me is the unwilling ness to release the actual records. What does Chairman zero have to hide? this would all be crushed by producing the actual birth certificate