
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

RogueOne3/25/2010 8:33:32 am PDT

huh, who could have seen this coming?

Now That Obama’s Signed It, Let’s Reform the Reform

The core point was that passing the bill needed to be seen as part of a process, not as a finished product.
For all these reasons, we support passage of the bill, even as we urge the progressive community to begin the struggle immediately to correct its many flaws and improve its protections. Some of this can be done quickly, via the reconciliation process. Some of it can and should be done with new legislation, such as robust public option bills by Senator Sherrod Brown and Representative Alan Grayson and proposals to expand Medicare and eliminate the health insurance industry’s anti-trust exemption.
This reform, while meaningful, is insufficient and must itself be reformed — or, at the very least, dramatically expanded and improved.