
Hannity's Scaremonger of the Day

Proud to be an Infidel2/17/2009 8:52:25 am PST

re: #153 Salamantis

The major difference between Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson is that Robertson’s still around. And he and Jerry Both condemned America TOGETHER, on Pat’s show, immediately after 9-11. And said that we deserved it, and that God let it happen, because we refused to embrace their fundamentalist sexism and homophobia.

They were the flip side of Ward Chuchhill.

Forgive me for giving Robertson and Falwell the benefit of the doubt here, BUT didn’t they eventually apologize for what they said? I remember President Bush slam dunking them pretty hard after those idiotic statements. Then I do recall Falwell recanting his statement and then saying that you couldn’t blame those groups or any others for ANY terrorist attack. But I may not have the full or accurate story. BUT I know for a fact that Ward Churchill has NEVER apologized for calling the 9/11 victims “little Eichmanns”. The bastard!

But blaming the 9/11 attacks on homosexuals, atheists, secular groups etc., really is just as crazy has blaming America for the 9/11 attacks because of our support for Israel, or our policies on the middle east or our military presence in foreign countries, etc., etc. It’s a tactic the leftists use. Falwell and Robertson should have thought of that before making those crazy remarks.

The people responsible for the 9/11 attacks were the people who actually carried them out, the Islamic terrorists! It was their choice and nobody made them do it! So why do people over-analyze the event?