
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

jorline5/18/2009 9:13:34 pm PDT

Jenny’s Poop Stories

McCarthy is a certifiable loon.

Take the time to read this bloggers response to her Poop Story. It’s funny as he dissects her Oprah article.

Jenny McCarthy’s relationship with poo


‘ve decided I love Jenny McCarthy’s Oprah-blog. It’s like watching a mad scientist—-you know he’s gonna blow something up, but still, those Tesla coils have a beautiful inutility. Her latest piece is truly a monument to stupidity, and if she really keeps this up, I’ll never run out of blog-fodder.

It’s called “Poop Stories”, and it’s about, well, Jenny’s poop, so pull on those hip-waders and let’s go take a look.