
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/24/2009 7:31:57 am PDT

re: #577 Sharmuta

Pretty wide gap there- Mayo Clinic vs Argentina. Weird.

And how weird is it that his own staff was claiming Appalachian Trail?

I still think the “AT” story was hastily cooked up by an aide to cover the fact that absolutely no one knew where he was or could reach him.

It’s an explanation that makes some sense, because the AT is one of the only places in the US he could reasonably be claimed to be, and be out of touch.
(Short of “he’s in vegas on a bender doing meth with a hooker and his cell phone is in the Jacuzzi’)

But it was a weekend, in summer, on some fairly popular parts of the AT— he’d have been seen. So they couldn’t keep insisting that’s where he was.

I bet he probably was is Brazil, but god knows why.