
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

SixDegrees10/03/2009 2:16:34 am PDT

It’s not a failure by 0bama. It’s not about crime. It’s not about politics.

It’s about money.

Chicago bid $4.8 billion for the games.

Rio bid $14.4 billion.

It’s just that fucking simple. The IOC is corrupt from top to bottom, openly solicits bribes and stands around waiting to have it’s collective palms greased by potential host cities. Rio put up the most money the IOC can skim from, and it probably put together the best stable of hookers to keep IOC members happy during their visits.

Trying to spin this as some sort of political failure by the Administration is perhaps the stupidest thing I’ve run across, excluding Glenn Beck, who falls into a whole separate category of stupid.