
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

Birth Control Works1/07/2009 11:56:43 am PST

re: #581 Jimmah

First, that seems to be an argument for an outright ban on gays in the military. Is that really your position? Secondly, what about the Israeli army, which has both men and women fighting alongside each other? In the case of the gay commander - well you could make the same comment about a bald commander protecting his fellow baldies. The idea that gays will put the lives of fellow gays above the lives of straights comes straight out of the blue, it seems to me.

There seems to be some concept that homosexuals are not able to have the same “work” ethic as heterosexuals. Heterosexual Men and Woman can work together platonically. Same with Homosexuals.

It is any particular “issues” an individual has that causes problems, not their sexual orientation.