
An Attack on the Existence of Labor Unions

BryanS2/19/2011 2:30:53 pm PST

re: #600 Obdicut

But only in proportion to their makeup in the population, which is very low. I don’t get why people are bringing up the vote so often.

There’s 385,000 union members in Wisconsin.

There’s 5,654,774 people in Wisconsin.

Even if they all voted as a block, they’re not going to have any sort of overwhelming effect.

In pure votes, sure they will. On the order of 2 million votes cast in last election in Wisconsin.

But it’s not primarily their numbers, it is the large percentage of union dues that go into political campaigns, and the use of the pool of labor for get out the vote and campaigning efforts.

There have been nonstop adds running all week here in Madison—only by the unions, a relatively short burst came out the first couple days after the Walker proposal hit the news. That has to cost money.