
How Sick Is the Anti-Choice Religious Right? This Sick.

klys (maker of Silmarils)10/26/2013 8:45:51 pm PDT

re: #58 freetoken

Sometime in the third trimester.

Society makes decisions for the individual all the time, everywhere. From culture to culture those boundaries change somewhat, but in the end, none of us are totally autonomous.

So we’ve moved from “somewhere around the end of the second trimester” to “sometime in the third trimester.”

What’re you using to make this decision? Fetus viability outside the womb? What happens when medicine improves again and that date shifts further back?

Why can’t we just say that decisions on abortions after x point need to be made in conjunction with a physician’s advice and leave it to the medical professionals to work with the women in question for the best possible outcome for a given situation? That’s probably the closest we’re going to come to a one-size-fits-all solution that still acknowledges the woman’s right to make decisions for her own body *and* gets her the support she would need in this time - because nobody is doing a third trimester abortion for the hell of it, regardless of what the ‘prolife’ folks would like you to think.