
And Now, the Number One #2 Pencil Sharpener in the World

Justanotherhuman11/30/2013 5:28:43 am PST

re: #60 freetoken

America, 2013 …..

First, from Texas:

Plenty of evidence supports creationism

… sigh… that one is particularly dense. Next on, let’s hop on up to MI:

Evolution should stand criticism

I so want to believe that last one is in fact satire… but it probably isn’t.

Meanwhile, over in Scotland:

Scottish Politician Criticizes Biblical Creation as ‘Patently Absurd Rubbish’

We could use a few politicians like Patrick Harvie.

Yeah, what is it with the great big silence of our politicians on these issues?

Just because the bible thumpers can get some bottom of the class, paid ideological whores for their cause, like “scientists”, “lawyers” and the like, doesn’t make them any more respectable than they ever were, or correct, either.

The idea that the earth is only 6K years old is just absurd on its face.