
The New Republic Takes a Close Look at the Anarchist Agenda of Snowden, Greenwald and Assange

Justanotherhuman1/19/2014 2:22:30 pm PST

The last paragraph of Wilentz’s piece sums it all up extremely well, IMHO.

“Snowden, Greenwald, and Assange have largely set the terms in the debate over transparency and privacy in America. But the value of some of their revelations does not mean that they deserve the prestige and influence that has been accorded to them. The leakers and their supporters would never hand the state modern surveillance powers, even if they came wrapped in all sorts of rules and regulations that would constrain their abuse. They are right to worry, but wrong—even paranoid—to distrust democratic governments in this way. Surveillance and secrecy will never be attractive features of a democratic government, but they are not inimical to it, either. This the leakers will never understand. (my emphasis)

Because their narcissism and political philosophy will not allow it.