
His Quest to Unseal Michael Brown's Juvenile Records Thwarted, Chuck C. Johnson Goes Psycho

lawhawk9/09/2014 7:03:28 pm PDT

Proving my point:

Gov. Cuomo will likely win the primary for NY in a landslide against Fordham Law prof Zephyr Teachout (still the most awesome name I’ve come across in years). But look at the turnout. It’s beyond pitiful. No one cares.

Everyone figured that Cuomo would win handily so they didn’t bother to show up.

We need a vigorous primary system - challenging candidates on their positions. Cuomo may be better than Teachout, but we never saw them debate. We know what Cuomo has done (including trying to get the courts to invalidate her placement on the ballot, which he was unsuccessful in doing). It is supposed to result in new ideas and life blood into the parties, but instead it turns into a fundraiser for the general election (which will pit Cuomo against Westchester County Exec Rob Astorino who really shouldn’t be in any office above dog catcher). /okay, now I’m done with the political aside/rant.