
Trump Horror, Day 26: Another Radical Reversal on Flynn

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·2/15/2017 12:03:00 pm PST

Wingnut Christian blog claiming an assistant attorney general is drawing up charges against President Obama for treason. Yā€™all Christians need to call out the liars amongst you.

countdowntozerotime (dot) com/2017/02/15/hell-breaking-loose-behind-scences-us-district-attorney-allegedly-advocates-charging-former-president-obama-with-treason-dana-boente-no-one-is-above-the-law-lou-dobbs-its-sedition/

The claim is Dana James Boente, just placed in position by an EO from Donald Trump, is bringing forth a charge of treason against President Obama for what is way down the article:

Most concerning about these radical leftist militant actions to US Attorney Boente and law enforcement throughout the land is that the FBIā€™s investigation into this Berkeley riot, and the FBI investigation into Berkeleyā€™s mayor ordering his police forces to stand down, revealed that BAMN had coordinated their attacks with Obamaā€™s OFA Oakland, California, officeā€”and may have, in fact, been ordered by President Obama himself.

Even more disturbing about Obamaā€™s OFA radical leftist affiliations then Berkeley, is their partnering with a group called Knights for Socialism that has begun teaching children to chant ā€œKill Trumpā€ while bashing with baseball bats effigies of Americaā€™s new president.

US District Attorney Boente is allegedly behind the scenes advocating that a grand jury be impaneled to charge the former president with treasonā€”

Come on, Iā€™m an atheist and can find this stuff, why arenā€™t Christians calling out Radical Christian Terrorism?