
Two Guitars at Once! Thriller (Michael Jackson) - Luca Stricagnoli

nowherenorth21/09/2019 4:23:02 am PST

So. Love the responses to the AP it takes two bullshit. They really stepped in it with that tweet as everyone is showing.

I had a training in Delaware. I stayed in north dover and the training was in southern Smyrna. It is a standard recertification training for a crisis intervention system. Loved it.

Many people were there that I knew already. Some new faces as well. One lady and I got on the subject of bread, which I have been making enough masse since the first stroke in 2017. The lady makes challah bread and pointed me to some books and also got into a discussion with lady #2 about proofing and rising of bread. All in all excellent. Vicious babushka was be a great addition to this convo.

Then….it took the turn.
Lady ” I don’t know what is wrong with your state. Did you know that Hillary and Cuomo were going to pass a law stating that abortions could be given up until the day before birth”
Me; “why no. I didn’t but I don’t think you are right because Hillary was a senator for the state in federal government and Cuomo is the governor of the state”
Lady ” I pray for your state and for Cuomo to get rid of abortion”
Random dude ” we hate Cuomo for the gun control laws”
Me ” I am for gun control and am pro choice. “
Lady ” well good people with guns have stopped bsd people”
Me”statistically no. Sorry. In a fight with the school in my area about this. And…” Cite facts
Lady. ” Well I don’t know the statistics. I’ll pray for you and your state.”
Me ” ok”

She was my teaching partner where we had to teach to the rest of the trainees.

Back to the grind.