
Morris: Running Out of Solutions

Kosh's Shadow5/05/2009 10:47:42 am PDT

re: #36 zombie

Problem is, Iran is smarter than Iraq and Syria. Their nuclear facilities are buried deep underground, unlike Osirak. Plus, Iran is further away. It may be the case that Israel does not have the firepower required to take out the Iranian nukes in situ. It may require a whole lot of bunker-busters dropped from high-altitude bombers — not a shallow missile strike from fighter planes.

And Gates blocked the sale of bunker-busters to Israel, back when Bush was still president.

Of course, it is possible that Iran doesn’t actually detonate a bomb, but announces they have some, and that all the Arab countries, especially the oil-producing ones, had better listen to them, and stop selling oil to any country that still recognizes Israel. And the same goes for the US and Europe; if they maintain recognition of Israel, the Iranians just won’t be able to control terrorist groups from stealing some bombs.

Or they just blow up a few places so the noise wakes up their sleeping Mahdi.