
Islamists Lose Ground in the Middle East

Kenneth6/02/2009 9:49:24 am PDT

The trouble with Cairo
by Irshad Manji

How will Obama reach out to Muslims while looking over his shoulder at his authoritarian Egyptian hosts?

Barack Obama has speech problems.

True, he delivers a message mellifluously. But even before giving a major address to the Muslim world this Thursday, America’s communicator-in-chief sounds confused.

Consider his choice of setting. Cairo, according to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, “in many ways represents the heart of the Arab world.” Confusion No. 1: Arabs and Muslims are interchangeable.

…Perhaps all will be clear after the speech. Perhaps the alchemy of a silver tongue and sturdy teleprompter will bring into sharp relief the strategy crafted by a shrewd disciple of diplomacy. Perhaps.