
Ivar Giaever's links to Exxon Mobil, Heartland, Cato etc...

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/16/2011 3:12:13 pm PDT

Well Shabbos is rolling in. This is not over. I shall have to make a very large page out of this. I will pay special attention to his 400 page report (as in pack of lies) and his assertion that Heartland doesn’t say that cigarettes don’t cause cancer (no they just use Richard Lindzen who says that as an expert)!

This fellow will find that when people like him step out of the echo chamber into a place where people know a little about science they get shown to be the fools and propagandists they are, and that their many lies and obfuscations simply will not fly.

I wish everyone a Good Shabbos (if in the Tribe) and a great weekend to all in any case. See you on the flip side.

Ohh and please keep an eye on this thread if he takes the courageous tact of posting over the holiday when I am not here to deal with him.