
Gingrich Promises Not to Commit Adultery

Killgore Trout12/12/2011 12:14:14 pm PST

150 workers lose a day’s pay, hippies cheer….
Oakland longshoremen sent home due to protests

The longshoremen’s union says 150 workers have been sent home after anti-Wall Street demonstrators blocked two entrances at the Port of Oakland.

Longshoremen’s union spokesman Craig Merrilees said Monday that shipping companies agreed with workers’ concerns that the protests were creating unsafe working conditions.

It’s unclear whether the longshoremen will be paid for the missed work. Union officials say longshoremen were not paid after Occupy Oakland protesters blockaded the port Nov. 2.

Protesters cheered when they learned about the partial shutdown, then dispersed. Another march on the port is planned later in the day.
