
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

teresa4/02/2012 7:13:11 pm PDT

I wonder if that includes building camaraderie and love around the country. I was at the Emerald City Comicon this past weekend, low and behold a Breitbart Blogging troll and actor Adam Baldwin was there and went after Wil Wheaton for no reason. Well it turns out Baldwin writes for BigFailure. It was really strange for a Comicon event cause we might talk about Federation politics, but not real politics.
I don’t know, but I think they are on a tear to stay noticed and they will do anything, create controversy, make asses of themselves, Baldwin tweet endlessly about Trayvon Martin, Obama’s Alinsky Strategy, and every other kook story out there, he is truly a Breitbart Morlock. They are trying to stay relevant. It’s not working.