
Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About "Stilettos, a Dress, and Dangly Earrings"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/04/2013 8:34:47 pm PST

So, I’m exploring exotic alloys for a possible future creative project… and there is no end of information out there from every corner of the internet.

One thing I’ve noticed is that the past couple of years has seen an explosion of alternative metals in jewelry, especially for men. Now, given the astronomical price of gold and platinum it makes a lot of business sense.

Yet reading what is written by those who are hawking these jewelry and products is like reading so much that is written in fitness and diet - it’s just malarky.

All sorts of sciency terms are used in high-falutin descriptions to wow the reader… but it is all a game for hucksters and their marks.

Well, jewelry has always had an element of that, so it’s nothing new.

Reading what is written about magickal cobalt, chromium, titanium, tungsten, germanium (which is pushed for its cancer-curing powers) - it all reminds me why we have the idiocy we do in politics and governance.