
A Walk on the Edge

NJDhockeyfan2/23/2010 9:10:22 am PST

Coal-State Democrats Oppose Global-Warming Rules

Washington (AP) - Eight Democratic senators from industrial states want Congress — not the Environmental Protection Agency — to regulate pollution blamed for global warming, saying the issue has big implications for thousands of U.S. jobs and businesses.

In a letter written by Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the lawmakers challenge the EPA’s efforts to restrict greenhouse gases from stationary sources such as power plants, factories and mines.

Opposition to EPA regulations by Democrats could pose a serious blow to the Obama administration’s effort to restrict heat-trapping greenhouse gases. While the administration is still pushing for Congress to pass a comprehensive climate bill this year, officials have not ruled out controlling greenhouse gases through regulation.

The letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson was signed by Democrats Mark Begich of Alaska, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Carl Levin of Michigan and Max Baucus of Montana.