
Stephen Colbert on Yesterday's Most Pathetic News: Sean Hannity Puts the President to Bed Each Night

Jay C5/16/2018 7:25:26 am PDT

re: #608 Big Beautiful Door

I read the Washington Post article, and noticed that McNaughton lied to the journalist, who didn’t pick up a key detail in the painting “You are not Forgotten” which McNaughton claimed was not a heroic portrait of Trump. In it, Trump is crushing the head of a serpent under his heel,showing that McNaughton is depicting Trump as the Messiah, which his fan base would pick up on, but the journalist, probably not well-versed in fundamentalist theology, missed.

Not sure why McNaughton’s “symbolism” would be so hard to miss: the guy is basically a hack political cartoonist - sort of a Ben Garrison type, only working in an “elevated” medium (oil? Acrylic?) rather than scrawled drawings.