
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

dave aaa2/28/2009 10:10:42 am PST

Just a thought (then flame away):

Every child born will die. Every one. So will you and I. Most now make it to old age first. If one will spend eternity in heaven, is it really so bad for one’s time here to be cut short and go to a better place?

Emotion says yes. The loss of a child is even less bearable than the loss of almost any other loved one. Faith would say no, and that can help mitigate the despair of loss.

No reasonable person would think Faith would or should be so overwhelming that one would not be hurt by the death of a loved one, let alone celebrate it as logically one might expect. We know people don’t function that way. There is, though comfort in the thought that they’ve gone to a better place.