
South Bay Poles

subsailor682/01/2010 10:36:54 am PST

The estate tax discussion is really interesting guys - regardless of which position folks want to take.

The estate tax - to me - is symptomatic of an approach to taxation that I find troubling. It is based on social engineering and political positioning, in that it is sold not as a necessary mechanism for generating needed revenue, but as a “fairness” issue. It’s an easy deal for politicians - “only the rich will be affected” or “it’s unearned income” etc.

I have the same problem with using the income tax for social engineering or political reasons. For example, if the feds decide it’s a good thing for me to have a house - they incorporate the mortgage interest deduction. If on the other hand, they decide it’s not a good thing for me to have a yacht, they incorporate the luxury tax (which pretty much blew up the economy in Rhode Island when it was tried).

Just freakin’ set a reasonable level of taxation to fund government and stop using it as a tool (or weapon) for social “fairness” or any other such nonsense.