
Thank You, Climate Change Deniers

kittysaidwoof12/06/2009 12:42:57 pm PST

beekiller, I am confused as to where I need to be qualified, but I guess that because I am not a believer I must be a denier, although I don’t think I am denying anything.

Anyhow, I am an atheist so you got it wrong there. But I do care about money and instant gratification. So you certainly nailed me there. If we had walmart I might care about the latest piece of Chinese sweatshop crap, but since we don’t, I don’t.

Indepublicrat, ok, let’s play the Star Trek game where you can actually separate politics from science and people sing Gumbaya before jointly and in good faith decided things that were in the common good. The scientists come in and say the following is absolutely true:

1. Man is causing global warming which is going to destroy 90% of species and 100% of mankind who are going to suffocate of excess CO2.

2. The only way to avert the above is instant reduction of CO2 emissions by 50%.

3. Cap and trade, cap and fine are impossible to effectively police, at best they shift the emissions from one place in the globe to another and it fails to address the emissions from food production.

4. We do not have a technological maggufin to fix it.

5. The only absolutely certain way to reduce emissions instantly is to reduce population.

What is the conclusion after having a nice cup of tea and warm good faith discussion?