
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

Salamantis5/05/2009 6:02:57 pm PDT

re: #426 Last Mohican

I agree with you that a great many Americans, maybe even a substantial majority, oppose gay marriage. And I agree that many of those who do oppose gay marriage are “pro-marriage,” in that they believe that people marriage is an important and generally beneficial institution, that children should ideally be raised by a married couple, etc.

But it’s misleading to say “support traditional marriage” when what you mean is “oppose gay marriage.” I personally support traditional marriage, and, if you want to call gay marriage nontraditional, I support that kind of nontraditional marriage too.

Since roughly 50% of first marriages and 75% of subsequent marriages already end in divorce, and fully a third of American children are currently being born out of wedlock; I fail to see what damage allowing gay civil unions could possibly do to the institution of marriage, over and above what damage heterosexuals are already inflicting upon it themselves.

Personally, I see the legal “gay civil union’ recognition of enduring committed monogamous homosexual relationships as pro-family.