
Lebo: Using 'Academic Freedom' to Keep God in the Science Classroom

Birth Control Works2/19/2009 9:35:30 pm PST

re: #508 LudwigVanQuixote

Another part of the FAQ.

Darwinism lead to Nazism

This is utter garbage. The notion that one group of people is superior to another - and thus has the right to dehumanize, abuse and kill them is as old as the first time a slave felt the lash. There are over 4,000 years of recorded history before the coming of Darwin to show this dark tendency in our species. There has always been rape, pillage, slavery, murder and carnage justified by racism and nationalism. No one was quoting Darwin in Nanking, Rwanda, or Darfur. No one quoted Darwin to the Native Americans.

The Jews were not murdered by Darwin. The Jews were not murdered by the thousands of doctors who save lives with the insights gained from Darwin. They did not die so that you can make a cheap and ill thought point to push your dogma.

Ludwig—it’s getting better and better. Be as concise as possible and use simple words —remember, Creationists are non-majors, preaching to non-majors.