
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel3/05/2010 8:54:06 am PST

re: #617 Obdicut

It’s short for progressives among people who consider progressives fools and moral midgets. Progressivism, such as practiced by the guys at the [Link:…] , is a respectable position. I don’t share a lot with progressives (except on social issues), but they make serious attempts to make their case and deserve fair hearing.

It’s like “libbie”, or “neocon”, but “neocon” as said by their dire opposite.

Furthermore, most of the people labelled as ‘progs’— like Pelosi and Boxer, are so goddamn far from progressives it makes my teeth hurt. The progressives would love to take out Pelosi.

People who use the shorthand ‘prog’ do not know what progressivism is, and they use it as insulting slang meant to capture everyone ‘left’ enough to have voted for Obama.

It’s a term I generally only see on the wingnuttiest of wingnut sites, and it betrays both an intent to insult and a total ignorance of politics.