
Economic Failure Endorses Stimulus

Truck Monkey2/19/2009 4:32:36 pm PST

re: #612 jcw46

Have hope; we are a very ingenious “race” we americans. Somehow we will weather this scam artist as we’ve weathered others as dangerous and stupid. Clinton comes to mind. Folks don’t understand he got in at an opportune time; ussr = gone, threats = minimal (on the surface), economy chugging along (the reps saved him from himself) and money in the bank because of lessened military expenditure (because reagan and bush built it all back up for him to waste). He was smart enough to just step back and leave things alone after the first 2 years. Of course his ‘idleness’ lead to other blunders. He even lucked out with the bosnian situation which could have gotten very, very nasty.

Don’t forget that his first act was “Don’t ask and Don’t Tell” and appointing the Hildebeast as Healthcare Taskforce Ogre. That did not go down too well (can anyone say hubris), and that led to the Republican takeover over Congress in ‘96. The Obamessiahs overreaching might likewise lead to him getting spanked in a couple of years. We can only HOPE that he won’t CHANGE.