
Video: Glenn Beck Calls Obama a 'Racist'

drcordell7/28/2009 1:05:06 pm PDT

re: #610 pre-Boomer Marine brat

“a few questionable sermons over the course of 20 years” ?

You are either ignorant, or a blatant calculating liar.

Would you like me to spell that?

/GAZE … FOAD asshole

You attended Trinity Church and heard all of his sermons? Of course not. You’ve heard the quote “God-damn America” and you’ve heard the quote “9/11 is America’s chickens coming home to roost.” You have no idea what is in the man’s sermons other than what has been highlighted by the national media.

I’m not saying the guy isn’t an asshole. And I’m not saying I agree with any of the bullshit he was spewing. But you’re acting like he was a goddamn Klansman or something. Hell, I’ve heard just as much offensive shit listening to Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh over the course of a week. And they’re practically the leaders of an entire political party in this country. So before you call me a LIAR why don’t you back some of your bullshit up with some factual assertions. Asshole.