
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

Cato the Elder5/04/2010 8:14:47 am PDT

re: #600 RadicalModerate

For some reason I’m getting more of a vibe that this guy is more of a case of someone who got disillusioned with his US life sometime after his naturalization- maybe due to getting caught in the US financial meltdown - and decided to leave a parting gift to NYC than a “sleeper cell” jihadist-type. The trail of evidence this guy left strikes me more of a angry soloist than part of a bigger conspiracy.

How does that fit with his just having come back from Pakistan?

He had a Facebook page with 115 friends. I guarantee you the authorities will know more about all of them within 24 hours, and a great deal more about him. And above is a link to a story that says an associate has already been arrested in Pakistan.

As for the speculation about his potential financial woes - what orifice did you pull that out of?