
The GOP and Creationism

Hooray for Captain Spaulding2/23/2009 11:27:06 am PST
I have to say, I’m just not seeing the creationism issue as a major albatross afflicting the GOP. The electoral question is whether the people who are voting against the GOP now would change their vote if all GOP politicians became clearly or vocally anti-creationist. I’m doubting it.

This is NOT the Catholic “Yes, God could have used evolution as a way of creating humans over eons” type of creationism. It is a “ZAP! Youre a human.”-the-Earth-is-6k-years-old type of creationism.

It is easily debunked, and True Believers look like anti-science, 9th-century, backward fools. Who besides like-minded people would vote for them?