
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

HRH Stanley Sea8/22/2010 7:42:11 pm PDT

re: #632 talon_262

OK, since you’re so versed on what should be “right” in this situation, lay it out there point-by-point, in detail:

What exactly do you think Iman Rauf and the Cordoba Initiative should do about Cordoba House/Park51 and the investment they’ve already made? Don’t pull punches…

It’s “American” if they loose it.

That’s all I’m getting out of this argument.

Do the right thing under our system, purchase building, get permits (pay for studies, architects etc.etc.etc. - this amount is huge) get approval.

Then….emotionally misguided folks are against it? BAIL! If you really cared etc…