
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Salamantis2/28/2009 11:32:46 am PST

re: #637 Dave AAA

For that reason, God is said to give children a great deal more slack than adults when it come to getting into Heaven. Where’s the cruelty to the child in being in Heaven rather than on earth? The point is that they are reborn to live in God’s Love. It may be that some kids have irretrievably damaged their souls so much God can’t take them, but those few kids would grow up to be monstrous adults anyway.

The cosmic cruelty and injustice is in having to spend their short lives in excruciating agony from a vicious disease that no one can rationally maintain that they in the least merit or deserve. And since God, if God is indeed omnipotent and omniscient, must know about and decide everything, God would also have to have decided to allow that child’s soul damage to happen, so it would be ultimately God’s responsibility, not the tiny child’s. As if one can reasonably condemn a tiny helpless defenseless child to torture and torment, and say that they had it coming, in order to try to justify the disgusting choices that would be necessarily dictated by one’s deity-conception in the first place, if one’s deity is conceived in such a bizarre way; that’s just fucking SICK. Which is exactly what’s wrong with the deity-conception that so many have proferred; it logically entails that their deity mut be a moral monster.