
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

Gus9/02/2009 9:27:26 pm PDT

re: #633 Sharmuta

It’s as though punditry has gone the way of the news cycle. There are fewer and fewer pieces we could rightfully call essays- intelligent, well reasoned, thought provoking…

Now pundits are more like the news- where alarmism sells. Must have bad news for the ratings! Reasonableness doesn’t sell- like a plane landing safely isn’t news. Now it’s all hype and hysteria. Sad.

They are basically playing with their viewers emotions. Instead of communicating to their intellect they’re communicating to their “hearts” if you will. By the heart I mean the id or the more basic of human emotions. I doubt they plan things out in this manner but that is the end result. Hence, not only do we see the wording to the pleasure senses of their viewers but the shrill like modulation of their voices.