
Baby Monkey (Going Backwards on a Pig)

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)5/23/2013 6:36:59 am PDT

re: #62 Bubblehead II

The Rs need to learn from this. But they wont.

N.Y. hurricane victims ‘pay it forward’

Six months after Oklahomans sent supplies to help New York residents battered by Hurricane Sandy, New Yorkers are returning the favor.

New York Assemblyman Phillip Goldfeder came Wednesday to the state Capitol to tell lawmakers that volunteers in his district are filling trucks with blankets, food and supplies that are scheduled by the weekend to start heading for Oklahoma.

Someone should tell him the same advice that was given regarding Beck’s “convoy”. More efficient to give that stuff to the local shelters and services and send the equivalent funds to the Oklahoma groups — unless the Oklahoma groups have indicated they can use truck shipments of said supplies.

It’s a nice visual, but it’s not as effective for the actual victims.