
Overnight Animated Short: Bibo, the Lonely Robot

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/02/2014 6:42:16 am PDT

re: #61 Justanotherhuman

“I’m unclear how this relates, and are you making a biotruths argument that women are worse at compartmentalizing than men?”

Because for myself, and other women with whom I’ve spoken, it is very difficult to divorce oneself from personal obligations for 8 or more hrs a day and compartmentalize one’s life.

What I was asking is if you are arguing that this stems from biology, that it’s a culturally learned thing.

Responsibility for children is still up to women, for the most part, not men. And it’s especially difficult when you’re a single mother.

True. Is what you’re saying, then, that the structure of working life makes it hard to juggle outside responsibilities like childcare? What does this have to do with the facebook/machine communication thing?

So I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t try to invalidate my experiences as a single working mother. I’ve run into that before, and it stinks.

I’m not trying to invalidate anything, I’m trying to understand what you’re saying.

And BTW, WTF is a “biotruth” argument? The fact that I experienced life as a female, gave birth and am a mother, and was as socialized as any other human being for it, and even in fighting “role identification”, that there was still the real world I had to deal with?

A biotruths argument is one that says that is an innate biological difference. Since you’re talking about socialization, I can now see you’re not making a biotruths argument. I’m really, really unclear how this relates to the whole in-person-vs-electronic communication thing, and I’d appreciate if you could explain.

The problem with—especially in the US—a terrible work life balance is even worse for anyone who has to do childcare, and women in the US are far more likely to be doing childcare. it’s part of the larger problems we have with a terribly intrusive work environment—that’s one way technology actually has made a change, in that workers can be chased down after work, too.

I’m tired of being bullied about it, too.

Asking you to explain what you mean isn’t bullying you. I’m interested in what you’re saying and asking you to clarify it, but you’re not presenting it in a way that I can understand. If you don’t give a shit about me understanding, then that’s fine, but I figured you did.