
Gateway Pundit Doubles Down on Derp: Vegas Terrorist "Ranted Like Crazed Leftist"

Orange Impostor6/10/2014 11:26:12 am PDT

re: #1 Ian G.

If Miller is a leftist, there is no such thing as the right.

It’s a John Birch Society and neo-Confederate mentality.

Non-whites? Leftists.
Women who aren’t subservient to their every whim? Leftists.
“the JOOOOs”? Leftists.
Nazis (never mind the fact that they agree with almost everything that the Third Reich stood for) - LEFTISTS!

So, why wouldn’t they label someone who was completely ideologically in line with their own beliefs, who frequented their gatherings, and just so happened to act on the very things that these “patriots” were advocating on a daily basis as some sort of Marxist?